Yeah, that pretty much describes my room

Age 34, Male


Houston, TX

Joined on 12/13/05

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13,738 / 14,390
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Hybrid-Of-Souls's News

Posted by Hybrid-Of-Souls - March 6th, 2010

or not.

Posted by Hybrid-Of-Souls - January 11th, 2010

Back to playing TF2 off the school account, too. Heh.
Still wish I could post here more...

And as part of a recruitment scheme for the more intelligent, join here.

Posted by Hybrid-Of-Souls - December 31st, 2009

Semi-related music, just like last year

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Posted by Hybrid-Of-Souls - December 13th, 2009

Feh. Sorry for the lack of enthusiasm, but it's not like I planned something special to happen. And I would post some Pendulum, but I already did that a few posts back. So instead, I'll post Pendulum going with some other video that's happening

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So yeah, four years here.

Posted by Hybrid-Of-Souls - December 3rd, 2009

Table of contents
Monstertime - 500 pts, 18 medals

I-Mockery's most recent Halloween-themed game has recently gotten medals, and it's a frustrating game for many indeed. Mostly because medals (aside from the 'I can read' medal) must be earned on normal difficulty. Anyone who's played the arcade classic 'Burgertime' can relate.

- Arrow keys to move
- A or Z key to throw acid at anyone who gets close. Acid removes anyone it touches for the rest of the round, even after you lose a life. You can pick up more by getting to acid flasks that appear in the area.
- S or X key to use your taser at nearby enemies. Tased enemies will be stunned for a short period of time. You'll know they're about to get back up when they're not glowing light-blue and their eyes get googly or something.
- 1-7 number keys change the music during the middle of the game.
- P pauses the game, for if you need a breather from this madness, or if you want a bragging screenshot.
- To win, you have to assemble four parts of the given monster (blood & organ system, skeletal system, muscular system, and the skin) by walking over and pushing down pieces that are scattered around the area
- If you push down a piece onto another piece, the piece below will automatically fall down another level. Good for saving time.
- If you push down a piece onto a modern monster, they will be crushed and will respawn shortly after.
- If you push down a piece while a modern monster is standing very close to or on it, they will fall with the piece, the piece you pushed will go down farther, and the monster you killed will take longer to respawn, since they will only respawn after leaving the screen.

Other notes and tips
- If you get cut up, and the final piece hits the bottom, you will NOT lose a life.
- Close together enemies and look for alternate routes. This is important if you don't want to end up surrounded. Either bring enemies together if they're coming at you from one direction, or lure them away from your escape ladder if it looks like you're surrounded. Saves the taser, acid, and life.
- The acid, taser, and life counters max out at 9, but that doesn't mean that's as many as you can hold. Don't be fooled by the telltale 9 when you're probably holding 11.
- Save your acid flasks. They come around less frequently compared to the tasers, and for a good reason: they friggin' kill off a guy for a whole round. Save them for packs of enemies.
- Once you're on your second (or third or whatever) runthrough, bonus values for items reset.
- Beating a runthrough allows you to test your skill once more by seeing how long you can keep Doc Mock alive, while running from the monsters who have dangerously increased speeds.

Freddy - compared to the other horror movie maniacs, he didn't slowly stalk his victims, so he comes to be naturally the fastest in this game. His claws don't have much of a reach, thankfully. He'll have cloned himself starting on level 5.
Jason - anyone who's been a Jason fan may have noticed how he magically gets around people when chasing them. He kind of does that, the way he usually climbs around to get to you.
Michael Myers - slightly slower than Jason, he seems rather generic.
Leatherface - the chainsaw wielding maniac has the longest reach out of all of them, with a chainsaw and all, so you'd be risking a lot by trying to make him fall with a head piece. He's pretty slow though. He makes his first appearance in level 2.

Point values
- Knocking down a piece to the bottom - 50 points
- Crushing an enemy - 100 points
- Making an enemy slip - 500 points
- Making two enemies slip at once - 1000 points
- Making three enemies slip at once - 2000 points (it doubles on)
- Collecting a power up - 500 x (level number) points (e.g. on Frankenstein's monster, it's 500, Wolf Man is 1000, etc. Picking one up on Dracula's level gets you a whopping 5000 points(!))
- Beating a runthrough - 100000 points

Needless to say, the majority of your points will be coming from crushing enemies, making them slip, or picking up items. And of course, beating the game.

Universal medals
I can read! - 5 points - press the 'next' button instead of the 'skip' button in the introduction. Easy.
Sounds good - 5 points - listen to all music pieces during the game. This also includes the 'game over' music, so you will have to die.
Squish Squash - 10 points - send down a piece that hits a modern monster below. Easy, since you'll probably be doing it a lot to repel the other monsters.
Falling for you - 10 points - cause a modern monster to fall with a piece by pushing it down while he's very close to or on it. If you don't want to risk dying, use a bigger piece. I noticed that even though some pieces take two steps to push down, they'll still have a width of four steps, so you can still send someone down with a piece even though it looks like they're not standing on it. Valuable to know with head pieces.
Doozy - 25 points - make 3 monsters fall with a piece. Ugh, this one's annoying, considering that the monsters move at different speeds. Though I somehow managed to do this one on Dracula's stage with a head piece, and the fact that I got Jason, Michael Myers, and Leatherface.
Electro-Greed - 50 points - collect 9 electro-tasers. Not pick up, mind you, but have 9 electro-tasers on you. Electro-tasers come in the form of batteries and anything that's not a 1-up or acid flask, so that includes turds, pumpkins, and Santa Claus heads. This one's mostly about luring monsters into a pack for chasing you and hoping for the best. I may have gotten lucky with this one.
Nice shot - 50 points - kill everyone at once with an acid flask. Best done on the first level, since you only have 3 enemies to deal with. Again, lure them into a pack, and zap any if you need to in order to slow whoever down.
You Da Man - 100 points - get 200,000 points. Nightmare mode in one of its finest forms, this usually requires you to go through close to TWO full playthroughs, with the second one making all monsters almost as fast as you are. However, an alternate strategy is through not doing much but picking up all the pickups and slipping up multiple monsters when you have the chance.
Monster medals
Frankly - 5 points - map - assemble Frankenstein's monster. It starts off pretty easy, naturally. You can try most of the basics here, such as luring away enemies where you want them to go.
Wolf Out - 5 points - map - assemble the Wolf Man. This level introduces Leatherface to the mix. Quickly get out of your small corner, and go straight for the head pieces like last time.
Lagoony - 5 points - map - assemble the Creature from the Black Lagoon. Right off the bat, you'll be surrounded by Michael Myers and Leatherface. I traced two paths you should immediately take to not have to fend off both of them at the same time. It also helps to slip them up from the larger body piece.
Phantasm - 10 points - map - assemble the Phantom of the Opera. You start right off in a dangerous corner that will invite the monsters to kill you if you stick around. So again, I traced a path for where you should go. After pushing down the nearest portions, quickly get the top of the skin down. The muscular system should be the last portion you assemble, with it being above your starting corner and all.
I See You - 10 points - map - assemble the Invisible Man. this one's harder than it looks, since there are a lot of corners that you could get trapped in. And some parts have conveniently started out that way, too. Also, it doesn't help that there are TWO Freddy's coming for you now. This is where luring into packs comes necessary, though some guys will be dumb enough to decide to patrol the corners. You're really going to have to slip up enemies on the skeletal and muscular systems, as those have a lot of their pieces in dangerous corners you don't want to be in.
Holy Moly - 10 points - map - assemble the Mole Man. Ugh, surrounded again. You'll definitely have to tase or melt someone in the faster mode. Otherwise, quickly make for the top, running close to and past Michael Myers and the Freddy that looms above. This one seems pretty basic again, being a symmetrical stage and all. Just be sure to keep utilizing crushing enemies and making them slip.
Blushing Bride - 25 points - map - assemble the Bride of Frankenstein. An ugly half-triangle scheme, here. The blood and organs should be the definite first on the list. As for the skin, get to the head and push it down when things get close and the villains are all massing under you. The other two systems should be pretty quick to assemble anyway.
Mumm's the Word - 25 points - map - assemble the Mummy. As much as you can work really quickly here, you'll need to. The pyramid scheme loaded with ladders makes for a really hectic minute or so, as some of the ladders may be hard to see with all the pieces in the way, warranting for an attack you didn't expect. Make for the skeletal and muscular system, avoiding the Freddy that's on top. You may be tempted to crush everyone, but try to make some effort to slip them up, to give yourself some good spare time.
Distinguished - 50 points - map - assemble the American Werewolf in London. The most unsafe areas are on top, with the organ system and skin. You'll REALLY have to slip someone up if you want to escape those alive if someone's on your ass. Also, the head piece of the skin takes four steps instead of the usual two to push down. But hey, there's that one area with twin ladders, so it's double the escape for that area. Also, knowing the top of the skin is in a corner, best save that for last.
Counting on You - 100 points - map - assemble Dracula. This is it! Or not, since you'll have to do it over again to get 200,000 points. Anyway, the skeletal and muscular systems are in very inopportune areas, so right now, get to shoving down the other two systems. As for those two I mentioned, get to pushing the heads down to the middle area, then get someone to slip on them, making shorter work of what would be longer work if you didn't.

Also, here's a video guide for the first run of the game.

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Enjoy, and good luck!

Monstertime guide

Posted by Hybrid-Of-Souls - November 28th, 2009


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Posted by Hybrid-Of-Souls - November 19th, 2009

Table of Contents

Armed Prophet - 480 points, 17 medals

This guide will explain all the aspects of the game and how to get the medals within it.

Controls/basic stuff
- A is to attack. Pretty simple. Mash it to chain combos. Just be careful when doing so, as you'll be pushing enemies farther back then you'll start sliding, so don't go nuts with this.
- Hold A to charge up a swing attack when your special bar has passed the first line, then let go to fire away. This also uses some of your special meter. You should probably keep an angled distance before you do this.
- S is to jump. It has some uses. You can also attack while jumping, which knocks them back farther. If you need space, jump straight up and attack for a chance to escape if needed. This also dodges any ranged attacks such as the zombie gut toss and robot flamethrower.
- D is to use the special ability your weapon comes with. This is discussed in the weapons section. To build it up, hit enemies. If you're in the middle of using a special other then that of the crowbar's, you don't recharge the special bar while using your lasting special.
- In the zombie and alien levels, there is junk scattered around in some areas. Hitting them into enemies will knock them off their feet as well as knock off a hit point. The tire bounces more than the skull in the zombie level, while the chairs can only fly into ground enemies (however, the helmet makes up for this). They even score multiple hits on bosses.
- The best way to kill an enemy is to approach them from vertical directions. This comes in handy more often against enemies that have wide ranges of attacks.

- The crowbar is your starting weapon, with a special that turns your crowbar into a lightning rod, zapping anyone on screen, killing normal enemies and damaging bosses for 12 of what your weapon normally hits for.
- The arm of Zomboss is unlocked after beating Zomboss. Its specialty allows for more powerful attacks. Doesn't mean you can go reckless though.
- The Alienator spear is unlocked after beating ZOMG. Activating the special lets you fire laser beams that instantly kill anyone in a line in front of you. Bosses not included; it does 3 hits worth of damage every time you loose this thing on them.
- The Cyber Blade T47 is unlocked after beating Smileborg. This has the only power up that lets you fight recklessly, as it's a personal shield that lasts for practically a whole group fight. My weapon of choice.

- Zombie Meat/Alien Juice/Robot Fuel - 10 pts each - get killed by a zombie, alien, or robot respectively to get what I like to call the masochist medals. If you're hasty, do this on the harder difficulty.
- Hand it over/ZOMG!!!1/Kill Smiley - 25 pts each - make it to the end of each level and kill each boss (Zomboss, ZOMG, and Smileborg respectively)
- Classic Hero/Armed Prophet - 25 pts each - beat the game. The only way you could only get one is if you quit in between medals or one happens broken. But it's essentially 50 more points for killing Smileborg.
- Alcoholic - 25 pts - this one takes a bit of luck, so bring along the Cyber Blade if you're not feeling lucky when cracking open crates, hoping to find beer inside them. If it doesn't have beer, back away so you don't accidentally run into it or get knocked into it when fighting.
- Anorexic - 25 pts - essentially the other side of the Alcoholic medal, don't bother cracking open any of the crates/barrels. I'd go through the Zombie stage with the Cyber Blade in hand for this one.
-Skull/Chair - 25 pts each - for the zombie or alien levels respectively. The skull should be next to you at the start of the zombie level, while the chair is somewhere more down the road, in the lab part of the alien level. Just keep knocking each respective object to the right until you reach the boss. Don't worry about knocking it off-screen as long as you're only hitting it to the right, because it'll still be there when you beat each group of enemies.
- The Freeman - 25 pts - the only medal that takes great time consumption, on top of a little more caution. But then again, just think of it as running through the whole game regularly, and feel free to let the lightning rip at the start of any wave you think will end up challenging.
- Handy Man/Illegal Alien/Smiley Hater - 50 pts each - kill Zombone with his own arm, ZOMG with the Alienator, and Smileborg with the Cyber Blade respectively. These require you to have played through each level at least one time before, but that's essentially all I can say about that.
-Testosterowned - 50 pts beat a level on hard mode. The differences between the modes are
- damage you take
- special bar charge rate
- how much HP you'll heal for when consuming beer or food
- enemy tactics (will surround you more often)
- enemy speed, attack rate, and projectile speed
Fight more cautiously here, pick whatever level seemed easiest to you (I went with the zombie level), and bring the Cyber Blade. Its shield comes in handy. Or if you like the crowbar for its lightning, fine too.

I'll discuss each stage's enemies types and the bosses. The melee class try to hit you up close, ranged class will shoot you with something, and specialists always change between levels. I should note that the surefire way to tell if a boss is coming up is if you see two crates right next to each other. So unless you're going for the Anorexic medal, break 'em open and take what's inside.

The Dead of Dead Gulch
Melee class - the dark green zombies that lurch toward or around you to hit you.
Ranged class - the lighter-colored green zombies that throw their unneeded guts at you. You can tell this is happening when they start reaching into their mouth for something. They'll also makes some gagging noise, so keep that in mind if they're off-screen.
Specialist - apparently, having no legs doesn't slow these guys down. In fact, they're faster than the melee class and attack faster, too. Fortunately, you have slightly longer reach, so keep that in mind. Hit them a few times, then break away and do it again however many times needed.
Boss - the classy giant zombie. He'll smash the ground and send a shockwave at you if you're directly in front of him, he'll try to grab you (this hurts) if you stand where he's standing, and eventually try to jump on you when he's running out of health. The move that'll be hardest to catch is the grabbing move. To avoid when you're standing right where he is, hit him twice or thrice, then quickly move away. Move back and hit him again when he moves his arms down. An alternate strategy is to bring the tire with you to the fight and keep hitting him with it from a range.

Alienating Area 51
Melee class - the lizards that have dual energy swords.
Ranged class- the lizards with goggles and laser guns. If they're off-screen, there's really no telling when they'll start shooting you, so draw them away from that.
Specialist - the guys in the UFOs that drop egg bombs at you. I forgot to mention that friendly fire is on for enemies, and this bomb has a pretty high area of effect. This is the only flying enemy, so make use of the jump attack. If it goes down faster than usual (usual meaning around 6 or 7 hits), a melee enemy will come out.
Boss - the giant lizard. Getting close could signal one of two attacks. When he holds his spear straight out and is about to shake it, jump away before he knocks you over with his spinning attack, which tires him out a bit afterward. The other one is just three jabs in one direction, signaled when he pulls his spear back a bit. You can take advantage of this by looping around while he's still stabbing. After he's half-alive (or half-dead), he'll start shooting large lasers from his mouth. Getting too far away is a risk of an unforeseen laser blast, so uh, don't do that. Much like with Zomboss, you can bring along a chair and keep hitting him with that at a safe distance.

The Age of Machines
Melee class - the buff robots with orange faces.
Ranged class - the flamethrower bots, which have about the same range as you do. The first time you're playing through, you should have the spear with you, charged up on some occasions to avoid a crispy fate and giving them a crispy fate of their own. Friendly fire is still on, and these guys will still burn their friends.
Specialist - the small robots that hover around. Their projectile is their own body, and the signal that they're about to go off is when they turn to the side, which is also its own attack. This self-projectile only goes for so long when they start coming at you normally again. If two of these guys charge at each other, only one will win the fight.
Boss - the giant robot. Its laser attack should be very easy to see coming, so move upward when you see an energy ball in front of his face. His blade attack...not so easy to see coming. But move upward when you see his arms start to extend outward. His last attack has him hovering farther up and dropping suicidal bots down at you. Move close to them, then move away so they'll decide to blow up at a safe distance from you. Hitting them, while it gets rid of them faster, will also end up hurting you. A pet peeve I have about this is that he can do this in succession, and you can't hit him until he's fully down on the ground.

Other notes
This will be updated in the future, so feel free to fire out comments. This section will also point out other tips on the future. Thanks to portalwarpedJP, Godliest, Sizzlebuzz, OneRedMage, and pinoyisazn for pointing other stuff out.

Armed Prophet guide

Posted by Hybrid-Of-Souls - November 13th, 2009

to the point of getting a Facebook.

But since I'm fond of my anonymity and privacy, I'll only give it to those who I know on a larger scale.
Not that a lot of people who are bound to have a Facebook stop by anyway.

Posted by Hybrid-Of-Souls - October 26th, 2009

I've had a bit of a small inner debate as to whether I should get a facebook. It's apparently much larger of a thing than I thought down here in college. Typical.

But knowing myself and this, I lead the boring life, I can only drink alcohol when mixed with something like Hawaiian Punch, and it's not like they serve those at parties off the bat, and I'm not a guy who wants to reveal a lot about myself. Oh right, and it doesn't help that I don't have a good quality camera, and cellphone cameras seem pretty cliche.

Sure, I could be your Farm Town neighbor or something, but I've already got here, two lists to manage and make sure neither goes to hell (though the first one is on the brink of it), and on top of all things, college (off to a bad start, too).

So what's a boring guy like me to do then?

Should I get a facebook?

Posted by Hybrid-Of-Souls - October 10th, 2009

Rank | Medal points | Username | Difference
1. 41560 | greeneggs4spam
2. 41370 | queenofbabes
4. 40350 | Wylo
3. 39980 | OkadaKenji
5. 38560 | obesefeline
6. 38545 | WonderTheHedgehog
8. 38470 | Nijsse
7. 38145 | urrad
10. 37610 | nosesocks
9. 37025 | PikaRobo
11. 36515 | OzzFestFreak2
12. 36170 | DigDogy
13. 35990 | RHawk
14. 35685 | Ray80
15. 35550 | Uchi-Morales
00. 35255 | EdyKel *NEW*
16. 34805 | chris-marks
17. 34230 | matt-likes-swords
19. 34230 | Sonik-Team
20. 33660 | cohenramin
21. 33570 | Godliest
22. 33290 | omegaxtomxhanks
18. 33220 | Misterioso
27. 33135 | Gooch
23. 33090 | ugolegend94
24. 32840 | theMEXICANTHIEF
26. 32680 | HeavyTank
25. 31750 | junkzm3
28. 31640 | LegolaSS
33. 30525 | coolblondman
29. 30365 | Vandal2
30. 30045 | LiquidOoze
37. 29490 | Lionel738
35. 29425 | Duffle
31. 29370 | Ego-Maniac
38. 29360 | Narcissus
32. 29120 | Lopingg
36. 29175 | Tom-Araya
34. 29065 | OneRedMage
40. 29030 | portalwarpedJP
39. 28860 | Alex12345269
41. 28705 | tornadopilot2
00. 28090 | KuroiYasha *NEW*
42. 27750 | Magewout
43. 27615 | iga1
44. 27560 | Hacsev
47. 27485 | Fro
45. 27290 | WeirdAlthe3rd
48. 27225 | Xenryusho
46. 26920 | EggSaladSandwich
50. 26635 | Eon2
49. 26505 | FurryFox
51. 26290 | Deakan
53. 26040 | dragon07
52. 26015 | Luagor
54. 25905 | Gelatinoid
55. 25865 | Emarus
57. 25840 | PHL-Himself
56. 25410 | Bobfleadip
66. 25405 | Angrylord
58. 25125 | hhahahahahha
59. 24930 | clesure
61. 24910 | Phantom
60. 24840 | Rogueur
79. 24815 | Jercurpac
63. 24805 | Wackyness
64. 24680 | PaulDaPigeon
67. 24625 | DoctorStrongbad
62. 24610 | duckyness
65. 24460 | Pokemonpoeguygcn
68. 24025 | Mendes
76. 24005 | xxxMike
80. 23800 | Freak100
70. 23585 | jancajthaml
69. 23560 | CaptainSkull
71. 23390 | lavor
72. 23365 | Atgod88
74. 23340 | Gamerx8
73. 23255 | PabMo
75. 23060 | ilikeblamingcrap
77. 23015 | Sentio
78. 22695 | richler
84. 22435 | Knuckstrike
81. 22300 | Lizzardis
00. 22280 | tdpl *NEW*
83. 21955 | lauf
87. 21925 | Bobogoobo
82. 21900 | life
86. 21855 | BOGOtm
85. 21745 | Spaintendo
90. 21720 | Rhete
92. 21650 | Chaoslithium
88. 21455 | wismty
89. 21055 | mothballs
93. 20960 | mat-rix-007
91. 20840 | Sir-Nuts
95. 20605 | Auz
94. 20550 | SevasTra
96. 20425 | jmalouin7
97. 20270 | super-sense