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a good tatic to beat zomboss is to move vertically, jump and hit him while on the air and get away from him (but still move vertically). then, wait for him to lower his shoulders and repeat, repeat.
and i think that you wanted to say upward instead of downward in smileborg.
as for ZOMG, i think he only shoots lazers when he's low on health.
on real man mode, it would seem enemies are also more vicious, as all of them attack much faster, and your special bar takes more to fill up.
i think that's all for now, but i'll let you know if i find anything else.
oh, and great guide.

Thanks for the tips and compliment.

oh! i almost forgot: on hard mode, the food won't give as much health as when you play on easy. a food on easy gives you about 1/2 of your life, while on hard it gives a little less than 1/3


This guide sucks. I died every tiem trying to follow your stupid advice.

: ROFL Good Job

To kill Zomboss the easiest way (no damage taken at all on the hard mode) just bring that tire with you then just run from side to side and hit it back and forth, you will hit him with it most of the time. I haven't tried your suggested method so I don't know if mine is faster, but it's fast and more specifically easy and safe.

I used the same tactic to kill ZOMG with. Just bring all those dumb wheelchairs, or at least one or two then just run back and forth and keep hitting them at him. It's a little riskier than versus Zomboss since the wheelchairs don't go as far when hit, but it's still really easy.

For the robot boss you can easily detect his blade attack by seeing that both his arms become fully extended. Either way the safest and easiest way to do it is to make the boss stand pretty far down and then just hit it three times, run up, hit it three times, run up etc etc. You could probably just hit two times if you want to play it safe. That way you won't need to think about dodging or anything. His special attack is slow enough to give you time to prepare.

For Testosterowned I'd suggest the zombie stage because of how easy the boss is to kill. I personally brought the spear because when fully charged that lazer thing you can use is really amazing to clean out one or two waves of enemies, plus it's really good versus the boss.

You should also mention that generally the way to kill waves is by coming from above or below and hit them. If it's a non-flamethrower melee enemy just hold forward and keep attacking until you are at risk of being flanked by other enemies, believe a ranged enemy will attack you or the target is dead. If it's the flamethrower enemies just hit them until they are out of reach then run up to safety.

Also don't be afraid to use your weapons special when fighting groups such as the 4 specialists on robot stage or such, often this last group is harder than the boss.

I found Zomboss impossible to beat on real man mode. But on the easy mode, you can let him walk up to you and he will raise his arms. Quickly move out of the way for a few seconds. Then, while he still has them raised, you can move behind him and attack him and get in several shots. Alternatively, you can wait for him to lowers his arms and get in a few shots that way. As for the jump attack. It is easy to dodge because you can see the shadow, and you can get in a good 5 hits after wards.

For ZOMG, he uses his laser during low health, no matter how close you are. Sometimes in rapid succession. I found, that you can get in a few hits before he uses any spear attack and then move out of the way of it. After his spinning spear attack, he has a cool down period, so you can get in a good 5-7 hits there before his next attack.

For the first two bosses you can bring in an extra item to hit around such as the skull, chairs, or helmet. These when hitting the boss hit them 3-4 times. So you can hit the skull to the left, then move around the boss and hit it to the right. Rinse and repeat until they move to their special moves.

The last boss is a piece of cake. His only effective attack is the blade attack. This attack can hit you 4 times. His laser attack takes several seconds to charge and only hits you once. When you see a bubble appear in front of his face, move in and you will be able to get in a clean 7-10 hits. Immediately after his blade attack, you should also move in and attack. The best method is to stand in front of him and move down before he performs a blade attack. Then move up to attack him immediately after an attack occurs. His kamikaze bot attack is annoying, but is easy to dodge. While he uses this, he can't be hit by normal attacks.

For beating any boss on hard mode with any type of ease, you probably need to have the cyber blade or crowbar. Since they have the best specials for use against bosses.

As for people dying on this game. I played from start to finish with the crowbar and didn't die once. The only boss I die on in hard mode is Zomboss. But then again I never brought in a cyber blade.

I hope this isn't completely useless. I wanted to type something.

Nah, it's not useless. I could probably learn from different tactics on beating the bosses in real man mode. Also, the tip to watch for the blades with the last boss helped a bit.

Nice walkthrough you made here! I added it on my userpage.


I personally think the crowbar and Alienator are the best weapons. Lightning death instant kills all enemies on the screen (4 max). The laser also delivers instant death, but in a smaller range. You can, however, bring the laser with you and therefore kill more enemies and deal more damage to bosses.

As I mentioned in the forum, you can jump over the laser WHILE smileborg is shooting at you. Basically, you can add in more hits while he's trying to hit you, then he cools down, adding in more hits.

Other than to feel safe, jumping around in front of zomboss to get him to attack isn't really necessary. People can judge when he's about to swing or grab, but jumping just makes you feel safe. You get to attack vertically that way though. For the legless "specialist", I really do think that the tip of jumping around when you're getting attacked works. You can jump and attack at the same time, then you can spam your attack button. It's just parrying when you get trapped, because you might get surrounded.

For the flying specialist in Alienating Area 51, I've noticed that after having maybe 3+ enemies getting bombed at, the specialist falls after one attack. It's happened a couple of times with me, which annoyed me since I couldn't use their friendly-fire bombs.

Considering what the definition for "ranged" is, I kind of feel like you should consider the flamethrower bot the "ranged" person and the pen-tipped diving bot to be the "specialist". I think what also classifies him as a "specialist" is having the ability to attack twice. First, he slashes you if you're too close, then he dives, which is when you trip. Since the first attack isn't ranged, and since his attack also moves him significantly further away, while other ranged enemies stand, I'd consider that robot to be the "specialist" in that aspect as well.

I've tried timing two diving bots, and they don't seem to crash and hurt each other; one of them wins the fight. The same applies to the flamethrower bot.

In regards to smileborg, you can't really call his AI bombs (I'll reference them as that for now) kamikaze bots. The robots are dropped from the "sky", but they only attack when on the ground; there's no "divine wind" or "god wind" coming at you. Also, since these bots move around, they probably deserve their own "specialist" class. Fighting them does kill them, even though you take damage for being so close, although I didn't try with the laser from the spear. It's probably a useless tip, but blowing them up together shaves a few seconds off, if you're somehow pressed for time.

For Zomg, I think it's worth mentioning that since he's stabbing with his spear in one direction only, you can stand on the other side and get in an extra hit or two.

You should also probably investigate how much damage the lightning strike does on each boss. Because I timed the beating right, I was able to avoid Zomboss from jumping up, which put him off screen, similar to how smileborg flies and his AI bombs attack. It was just a long chain of me attacking him, getting him halfway to his health, causing him to jump, a lightning strike, then a relatively shorter chain. That strategy would probably work nicely on smileborg, especially since it's a pet peeve of yours that smileborg is invincible while in the "air".

People with slower computers really need to put some input on this game, btw. I know that's a factor when playing Castle Crashing the Beard, for me.

You can nitpick however you want from this comment. It's your guide, after all, and we're all just giving tips. Good luck on this project. It shouldn't be too hard.

Good pointers here.
I took some bits of your advice, and will work on the lightning.

I fucking LOVE the Cyber Blade T47. Glad you do too. :)

Invincibility is one of those perks that is just cheap in many cases.

Thanks for the guide man, really helped me out, got all the medals now ^^

Sure thing.

I found that, while using the crowbar and the cyber blade, that I could hit the suicide bots from smileborg and not take damage. That is, if I back off far enough so that just the tip hits them, the explosion won't hit me. I haven't tested it with the spear or the arm however.

Pretty sure all the weapons have the same range anyway.