Yeah, that pretty much describes my room

Age 34, Male


Houston, TX

Joined on 12/13/05

Exp Points:
13,738 / 14,390
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
7.70 votes
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Recent Game Medals

80,530 Points

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Ant Smoosher 10 Points

If you do see Peter the Ant by chance, smoosh 'em.

Declined 5 Points

Never mind, I wanna go browse Newgrounds dot com instead.

Censorsh*t 5 Points

Now everyone knows you like uncensored NG humor.

Just like the game 25 Points

Funk on a Friday (real time)


Beat Week 1 in Story mode and unlock Week 2

Friday Night Funker 5 Points

Start the game

Confirmed 100 10 Points

Wow. Nice one. You finally understand that 2+2=4. Congrats.

Young 10 5 Points

You reach your first 10. Prepare for a long journey.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Latest News


I had meant to get around to this earlier, but I got lazy. At any rate, I'm coming out with it now.

I've done what I used to dread doing the most: outgrowing this place. I went for a few months without visiting this place, and to be real, it felt like nothing had really changed. The only people I could really connect with have disconnected from here long before I did, and the one thing that would keep me coming back, the unofficial medal list I maintained with the help of others, has been passed along to those more dedicated than I could hope to be.

13 years ago, I was led here by some redirective links from Knox, the claymation guy. I made an account in 2005 just for the sake of leaving some reviews, and didn't really get into the forums until 2006, when I was still learning about how things worked. Over time, I would pitch in with several archival purposes, with a library project of archiving certain threads until I got bored of that, the official NG image archive thread until that got out of hand thanks to a handful of users who wanted their posts deleted, and ultimately the unofficial medal list until I could no longer keep up the facade that I was as dedicated to medals as I used to be. This would earn me the spot of one of the Wi/Ht? regulars, #43 to be exact. Not sure what's become of that though.


If you'd care to still look for me, you can find me among a few sites:

  • Steam (though PLEASE be sure to leave a note if you'd like to add me there)
  • Newer YouTube channel (I'll have to reupload that MonsterTime speedrun to here to preserve the one I left on the guide I made on this blog)
  • Showdown (I go by Vin Rubicon. Not sure if any of you play Pokemon, but there's that)

Even though I'll be gone, there's no denying that this was my first dive into turning into the cynical fool that I am now. So I've got to be grateful for that. Leave a note if you'd like, not that I'll ever see it. See you around


Latest Shared Creations

Mike Haggar

Added to skins for Skincraft Sep 25, 2011.

Marco Rossi

Added to skins for Skincraft Aug 11, 2011.

TF2 Spy

Added to skins for Skincraft Aug 8, 2011.


Added to levels for Time Fcuk Nov 14, 2009.

Burden Cube

Added to levels for Time Fcuk Nov 10, 2009.

Afraid not

Added to levels for Time Fcuk Oct 27, 2009.