I've had a bit of a small inner debate as to whether I should get a facebook. It's apparently much larger of a thing than I thought down here in college. Typical.
But knowing myself and this, I lead the boring life, I can only drink alcohol when mixed with something like Hawaiian Punch, and it's not like they serve those at parties off the bat, and I'm not a guy who wants to reveal a lot about myself. Oh right, and it doesn't help that I don't have a good quality camera, and cellphone cameras seem pretty cliche.
Sure, I could be your Farm Town neighbor or something, but I've already got here, two lists to manage and make sure neither goes to hell (though the first one is on the brink of it), and on top of all things, college (off to a bad start, too).
So what's a boring guy like me to do then?
Get a facebook if you have a lot of friends and want to jabber on about whatever. It helps to relieve bordem ;)