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Nuzlocke run - Emerald style

Posted by Hybrid-Of-Souls - September 26th, 2010

So after succeeding in a Nuzlocke run on Fire Red version, figure I could carry on over to Emerald version. Same three basic rules apply. Here's how things went so far.

- Set the clock, not that time matters anyway, because this is a rom. Took the other free potion.
- Fended off the wild Zigzagoon with a naughty Mudkip. Named him Orson after the skirmish.
- Raising the anchor, bringing May on home. Time to bring up a team.
- Route 101 catch: a gentle Poochyena. Named her Shenzi, after the lead hyena from The Lion King.
- Route 103 catch: ah, a naive Zigzagoon, one of the greatest early-game guys for his pickup ability. Mine, despite having to waste the rest of my pokeballs trying to catch him. Named him Gordon, because pick up that can.
- Route 102 catch: shit, I forgot I didn't have any pokeballs. Not that it mattered much anyway, because another Zigzagoon showed up. Still, that was rather careless of me.
- Help Wally, more like baby-sit him all day.
- Route 104 catch: oh hello, a lonely Marill with Huge Power. And I'm stocked up on balls this time. Okay, nabbed, and named Phelps, after his swimming ability as said in the pokedex.
- Turns out that not only is mud-slapping annoying and fun, it's pretty good for training at a lesser risk of getting any weaker guys killed. Also, good as a weak move for catching things.
- Petalburg Woods catch: (please be a Wurmple or Shroomish) success, a docile Wurmple. Treecko's dead when I get to him. Named Ivan, because I seem to lack good creativity for bugs.
- Buffed Ivan to lv. 7, where he evolved into a...Cascoon. Cool, I could use the quad-resistance & confusion attack when up against Brawly. Especially after his guys bulk themselves up to oblivion.
- Yar har, the Aqua grunt is after me. Not for long, though.
- Arrived in Rustboro City, got HM01, will revive one of the fossils when I get the chance.
- Route 116 catch: gah, a hardy Whismur. In an area full of Nincadas and Abras. And I was planning on catching one in Rusturf Tunnel. Named her Sarah, because that's also something close to "siren". I think.
- Did a tad of grinding to points where Ivan evolved and Phelps learned Water Gun. Let's go get Roxanne.
- Phelps took charge against her two Geodudes without too much trouble. Against Nosepass, Orson got blocked off from escaping. Not that it mattered much anyway, because Orson kept mud-slapping her. Still, it would've helped the other guys to get exp. In any case, she fell to my power.

- Rusturf tunnel catch: gee, I wonder. Oh man, a Whismur, big surprise. Eh, Nancy (after one of the members of Heart) is going in the box anyway.
- Beat May. She was slightly annoying with her Wingull. On to Dewford.
- Dewford Town catch: first time using the old rod. Yep, a Magikarp. Snagged, named Mia, another Golden Sun reference. Also, I'll let the route 106 catch wait until I get surf. Same goes for that other route next to Dewford.
- Granite Cave catch: hopefully a Sableye. Used a repel get deeper into the cave, and...crap, an Aron. Not going to help against Brawly...oh well. Caught with a great ball (he slipped out of the regular ones), named him Duke, for BALLS OF STEEL.
- Screw Flash, I can get through this cave just fine. In fact, I just did. Let's cut ahead to Slateport.
- Cut to Slateport & the beach to do some training. Brawly's gonna be wolverine mean, and the only proper counter right now is Dustox, aside from against Meditite. Maybe something new will come up on next catch.
- Route 110 catch: there's a grassy patch before the roadblock, so...a timid Oddish. Almost downed with a critical Gust, too. So with the last great ball on hand, Ramirez (another connection to Sean Connery. Guess which one) was caught. Also, he replaced Shenzi, so he can aid against Team Aqua for a bit.
- Kicked out Team Aqua. Ramirez sure showed those Carvanhas. Then he learned Poisonpowder. May or may not also help against Brawly's "gutsy" guys.
- Orson buffed up to a Marshtomp. Still keeping Mud Slap for walling/stalling reasons against certain people. Okay, so he's at 16, Ivan's at 15, let's go get Brawly.
- Fronted Ivan, for obvious resistance reasons. He took a fair bit of damage from seismic toss, but scored a lucky confuse status on Machop, who then KO'd himself. Against Meditite, Orson was out, and the bulking up began, so I gave him an X defend. But what the hell, he has focus punch? Orson was damaged, but not down. At least I know he doesn't have confusion, so I can just finish him off with Ivan. Against Makuhita, it was just no contest to Ivan. Quad resistance to vital throw, even after a bulk up, just no. Thank goodness that's over. Now I can get to training everyone else...
- Also, the trendy thing to say now is "You Angry".

- Route 109 catch: gonna fish this one up, hoping I get a Tentacool this time. Nope, another Magikarp. Whatever, I was planning on naming one Mr. Fish anyway.
- Swapped Sarah out for Duke the Aron, for type expansion reasons.
- Slateport City catch: maybe a Tentacool this time? Or not. A third Magikarp? Eh, whatever. At least she's at level 8. Wylina's going into the box nonetheless.
- Imma try the battle tent thing for a bit. It has rentals, so I'm not pitting my guys in there just to get killed. So let's get into it for the items. A few full heals, okay.
- Trick master sure is a lonely man, always hiding under his furniture until someone shows up.
- Taught Duke rock tomb, time to take on May. Duke was almost washed away by Wingull's water gun and rocked her. Ivan managed to poison Grovyle with a poison sting, then stalled out with protect. Orson just slapped out Slugma with mud. Itemfinder is mine.
- Finally got to Mauville. Took the godly man speed bike over the pussy pansy girly hopscotch bike. Handed Wally's ass to him. Got HM06. Only thing to do now is take on Wattson when I get stronger.
- Stashed Mia with the day care man. She seems to have the best nature out of all the Magikarps I have.
- Route 117 catch: grah, an Illumise. Last time I checked, she doesn't even learn any bug moves without having to be bred. Oh well, Paris will probably be sticking with the day care guy as well.
- After some training, Phelps evolved. Not that I'll be using him during Wattson's gym anyway, but yeah. Speaking of which, one of Wattson's cronies was 1 damage point away from killing Gordon with a charged shock wave.
- Orson's at lv. 22. Last time I remember playing this, he had 4 guys, one being a Manectric; a lot harder than Ruby/Sapphire had it. Also, both versions of Voltorbs had self-destruct. Hope this goes well.
- Vs. Wattson: Ramirez took point against Voltorb and put him to sleep. Swapped to Duke, who got paralyzed by spark, then swapped back to Ramirez to take another electric hit. THEN VOLTORB BLEW HIMSELF UP ON RAMIREZ. Eugh, just how I wanted things to go...Ivan managed to poison Electrike and wall his shock waves. Success. Magneton went down after getting a sonic boom off on Orson. Manectric comes. Mud slap him twice, then go for the mud shot kill, and victory is mine at a great price.

- Guess Paris will have to fill in Ramirez's void for now. At least until Team Magma & the next gym.
- Solved the rock problem in Rusturf Tunnel, got HM04. Taught it to Phelps, who can make good use of it with his huge power ability.
- Also, because I'm a lazy crap, I kept Mia in day care until level 19, then put her in Paris' place to become a raging Gyrados very soon. Exp. share helps, too.
- Rocked the Winstrates' shit. They act like they've never lost before. Trainers around Mauville aside from Wattson must be complete whelps.
- Route 111 catch: this one was REALLY forced. A careful Geodude popped out of one of the rocks I cracked open. At least he'll make for some effectiveness against Flannery. So in with Gilliam, out with Gordon. Also, Mia evolved.
- Back on track here, also taught Strength to Mia. She needs a half-decent attack, too.
- Route 112 catch: hmm, a Numel. I guess that could also help, but Torkoal has high defense, which sucks. Named her Kara anyway, because not only is that one syllable away from sounding like caravan, but it's also named after some korean girl group band or something. Anyway, guess she'll have to do if I can't get any other fire-types for my team. Day care.
- Fiery Path catch: a Koffing. Eh, at least it's unique. Named her Dr. Blight, after the same Captain Planet villain. Yeah, I'm a sucker for Captain Planet references, huh?
- Route 113 catch: so much for the Skarmory. It's a naive Spinda. Named him Mel, for both of their spinning, dizzy antics.
- What's also worth noting is that in a 2v2 with Duke & Gilliam, some ninja's Koffing blew up on everyone, only killing himself and his teammate's last guy.
- Route 114 catch: ooh, a naughty Swablu. Finally something that can eventually fly me around places.
- Meteor Falls catch: I'm fine with either catch (Zubat or Solrock), and I end up getting a Zubat. Named him Ray, after the same blind musician. In any case, he's going to need that Soothe bell. He also needs to last long.
- Saw things go down between the opposing hippies, then easily took care of things as Mt. Chimney.
- Jagged Pass: the catch is...alright, a Machop. Good for Norman's gym. Harken has joined the team in place of Ivan. Only downside is that he has a timid nature. Oh, and one of my guys FINALLY gets poisoned (Mia). Good thing there's a center nearby.
- Took the Wynaut egg. I'll hatch it when I'm on that abandoned ship.
- Buffed Mia, Orson, and Gilliam (now a Graveler) to level 25. There is nothing to discuss. We fight Flannery now.
- Flannery: fronted Phelps, who now I'm wishing had thick fat. Anyway, he smoked her Numel with Bubblebeam, but her Slugma got off a light screen before I could finish him with another bubblebeam. Thus begins the rollout sequence. Took out the Slugma with the first two rolls, but he missed the third one against Camerupt. When he casted Sunny day and attracted Phelps, things got worrisome. Swapped to Orson as she healed, then attracted him. Swap back to Phelps, who takes a tackle as the sun faded. Torkoal approaches. I forgot that she had white smoke, thus not being affected by intimidate. She casts another sunny day and constantly body slams to no avail. Three dragon rages finish her off. Also, Harken had exp. share on the whole time, getting a good exp. boost.

- Can't catch anything in the desert because I'm still on route 111. Crud. But what's that in the desert?
- Mirage tower: a Trapinch! Not with the hyper cutter I was hoping for, but sure. That makes Tethys a third possible flier choice. With an earthquake bonus. Aside, I got to the top and took the Claw fossil. Armaldo can swap in for Gilliam when the time is right. And with that, the tower magically vanished, taking the other fossil with it.
- Back in Petalburg, heading for Norman, some guy's Slakoth pulls off a counter on Harken's karate chop, killing him. Damn, and I really needed him for the fight against Norman, too. Ivan is back to fill the void. Norman shall pay for what his disciple has done.
- Vs. Norman: fronted Duke. Things don't start well when he gets confused by Spinda and constatnly hits himself. That's it. He's getting the mud. Okay, he's down, but Aron apparently prompts him to use Slaking. Time to use what I've been working on: protect stalling with Ivan. Hopefully, I can poison his dumb ass. Which turned out to work out. Time to wall with Duke. Two down, enter Vigoroth, who's also constantly using faint attack. Against Linnone, he's the only one with any kind of change-up (lack of faint attack, but high attack power anyway. Also, Duke's rock tomb missed 3 TIMES IN A ROW). Bad luck aside, I walled him to the end with Duke. Harken has been avenged.

- Taught surf to all the water guys. Aside from Phelps, they're lacking good water moves. Let's go surfing.
- Route 105 catch: a Tentacool. Having lost creativity after catching those two in Kanto, I'll just name her Aurora.
- Route 106 catch: gah, another Tentacool, no clear body. Whatever, Damnd is going into the box, too.
- Route 107 catch: at least not another Tentacool. It's a Wingull. Deemed him Hawkeye, because he's very likely going to be the only bird I ever get, aside from Swablu, but she becomes a dragon thing. Also, he's a dude. She's not.
- Route 108 catch: tits, a Pelipper. Someone that can fly me places off the bat. Penelope was caught.
- Abandoned ship: I kept Gilliam out against a water trainer for too long, and paid the price. He died going up against a Horsea I thought I could take on. I also blame the fact that Orson's mud shot MISSED HIM, EVEN WITH ITS 95% ACCURACY.
- Headed back to Dewford to have Kara fill the void. And to get some more steps in for the egg that's still not close to hatching. So I had to run around like a madman until it finally did hatch. Urien the Aegis Reflector is up.
- New Mauville catch: a Voltorb. Not that I can really come to forgiving Wattson's Voltorb for blowing up on Ramirez, but I need all the help I can get, and that goes for electric-types, too. Named him Shrapnel, for what grenades shoot out when they blow up.
- A bit of exp. share training later, Urien evolves.
- Deposited Phelps in place of Shrapnel. I need more variety. He has served me well.
- Oops, totally forgot to go revive Anorith. Craig (supposed to sound like crag) has joined the box, though he'll likely replaced Urien or Duke should they die.
- Route 118 catch: got the good rod, so let's see what comes out of this: okay, seriously? Another Tentacool?But hey, he finally has the clear body I was looking for. Named him Cleo for the play on letters for 'clear'.
- Route 119 catch: looking in the tall grass...a Linoone. Named him Eli, because I don't know, he helps Gordon in Half Life.
- Cleared out the weather institute, got the Castform, deemed him Al, named after everyone's favorite weatherman.
- Sent May packing, though her Grovyle almost killed Kara. Swiped HM02.
- Route 120 catch: noooooo, a Poochyena. And I already have Shenzi. Screw it. Then I realized I could've caught that Kecleon on the bridge. Ah crap.
- Shrapnel evolved into an Electrode. Duke evolved into a Lairon. Let the good times roll. Let's go get Winona.
- Vs. Winona: fronted Shrapnel after teaching him shock wave (I'll teach him thunderbolt if/when he gets far enough). Who knows, these future guys could have double team as well. Swablu went down easy. She was prompted to use Altaria, because I remember that she knows earthquake. Cheeky bastard. Sent out Mia in place. Took that one down. Up against Tropius, I sent out Kara to see how she would fare. She charged for a solarbeam, so I sent out Urien to take the hit. Good thing too, because it was a crit. Urien lived thorugh it, and I sent Kara back out to finish that one off. Kara almost went down, but got off a flamethrower. Pelipper and Skarmory had their dumb asses zapped by Shrapnel. Easy win.

- So, now that I can fly places, I can go back and train some new possibilities. Let's see who we have:
- Tethys, the Trapinch
- Craig, the Anorith
- Cumulus, the Swablu
- I mostly want a main that can fly me places, rather than have to switch out between Penelope. I'll go with Craig and Tethys, I guess, who will swap in for Duke and Kara for now until I can figure things out.
- Also, route 115 catch: gah, should've brought repels. Another Tentacool. Forget this one, too.
- Eugh, well there goes any possibility of Craig making the ranks. A ninja's Koffing blew up on him, and just before I was going to switch to Mia to take the hit. Guess I have to take back Duke now.
- Route 121 catch: hm, another Oddish. Female & mild this time, so I guess I'm done with the Sean Connery references. Also, I can show it to that grass lover for giga drain. Also, I can kick Juan & Wallace's ass if I get to them. In any case, Bermuda (Bermuda Grass is apparently an unstoppable force when it's in some science fiction novel) was caught.
- Route 122 catch: fishing with the good rod...Magikarp. nope.avi. See, this is why I plan on using the super rod in Petalburg.
- Mt. Pyre catch: checking the base of the mountain...a Shuppet. But what the hell, she curses herself right after I damage her when trying to catch her. And that makes all my opportunities to get a ghost wasted.
- Tethys evolved. I now have a new flyer.
- Safari zone catch: swapped bikes in hopes that I get a Heracross. But no, it's another Oddish. That got away from me. God, I'm 0-2 on these safari zones now.
- Route 123 catch: another freaking Oddish. But on the bright side, I can evolve one into a Vileplume and the other into a Bellossom. Welcome to box world, James.
- Beat May for the final time. Glad that's over. So what's with this Magma Emblem again?
- Oh yeah, I bet it had something to do with that shady guy on Jagged Pass.
- Magma Hideout catch: why do they let Pokemon run around their hideout anyway? Anyway, it's another Geodude, who killed herself much like that Shuppet did. Goddamnit.
- On the bright side, Orson evolved to top-shelf form. Maxie's a dead man. Only real trouble was Mightyena, who kept using swagger.
- Aqua Hideout catch: gonna try going for one of those Electrodes that hangs out by the master ball. Asshat better not blow up on me. Good news is that he didn't. Bad news is that even Orson's mud slaps are on steroids when they pull off a CRITICAL HIT. That's three missed catches in a row. Not cool.
- So now that Team Aqua's away for now, time to hit the big ocean.
- Route 124 catch: fishing with the good rod again...Magikarp. Nope.
- Mossdeep City: ah crap, a forced Tentacool encounter. No Beldum for me. Fucker.
- To make up for it, I picked up the super rod. Let's head back to some fishing spots...
- Petalburg City catch: a mild Corphish. Marissa shall come in handy for the next gym.
- Lilycove City catch: a Wailmer. Meh, was hoping for a Staryu, but eh. Enter Blimpo, the whale.
- Doing a bit of a team-swap before the next gym. Last thing I remember is that I got tired of the game mid-battle due to having an ill-typed team. Also, they had a Claydol with earthquake. Let's see if things will go better with Bermuda (soon to be a Bellossom) and Marissa (soon to be a Crawdaunt). Which can only mean one thing: grinding time.
- Also, what the hell is a ninja doing with a Koffing that knows thunder? Almost killed Mia.
- Route 125 catch: fishing...oh shit, a Sharpedo. Welcome aboard, Capone.
- Unfortunately, the pleasure was much shorter than I expected. Capone died while out training Triathletes are asses. I figured his highly fragile defenses would be the end of him.
- Route 127 catch: Wailmer. No thanks.
- Route 128 catch: Luvdisc. HAHAHAHA no. But actually, yeah, he could have a heart scale. I'm such a user for Romeo here.
- Well, after a lot of rl things in my way, and grinding everyone on my team to 38, time to take on what I never beat the first time: the Mossdeep gym.
- Vs. Tate & Liza: fronted Mia & Marissa, intimidate cut down Claydol's and Xatu's attack (more worried about Claydol's earthquake, really). Ah, what an ass. Xatu got off a sunny day before going down, prompting them to send out Solrock. Oh christ, Solrock has solarbeam, too? Good thing Marissa protected herself. Yeah, I ought to switch her out with Bermuda or something. Ya HA, thank goodness for Chlorophyl, because Bermuda got a speed boost off to finish Solrock off and take down Lunatone in one hit. As the sun faded out, Mia surfed out Claydol's last stand. Hm, that was easier than I thought it would be.

- Put Marissa away, swapped back for Urien. Keeping Bermuda, because of Whiscash. Sorry Duke.
- Trouble at the space center? Oh boy. I had to carry Steven's Metang's ass to save him from getting quaked by Camerupt the first time. We then proceeded to isolate Maxie from his teammate. Steven then had to carry my ass when my guys kept getting confused. Thanks for the dive HM.
- Underwater catch: damn, a Clamperl. So much for getting the Regi's. Pearl joins the box.- Shoal cave catch: was going to wait for the tide to lower, but I guess that's not happening since there's nothing that keeps track of time on a rom. And damn, a Zubat. Guess Stevie here will have to succeed Ray if something rarely happens. Oh wait, luxury ball. Maybe he'll come first in that case.
- Treasure hunting is cool. Free money, stat boosters, all that. But time to go after that submarine.
- Seafloor cavern catch: Tentacool. nope.avi With that, I'm also done catching things in the ocean, so don't expect to see any more of those, unless I'm fishing in that water current area.
- Wiped the floor with Archie, Shrapnel outsped and outdid everyone. Kyogre has type advantage over Groudon, we're all going to drown.
- Cave of Origin catch: still nothing unique. To hell with it all. Guess I should solve this problem then. And I did. Only thing to do now is take on Juan.
- Vs. Juan: fronted Shrapnel, who now knows thunderbolt, light screen, and flash. Light screen go, and thunderbolt casts down Luvdisc easily. Foresaw that Whiscash coming, so Bermuda took him out, but not before he brought in some rain...better get Mia to wall for a bit. Not that it mattered to his Sealeo anyway. Enter Kingdra, at a hellishly high 46. Better recast light screen. Oh god, double teams. Walled off his water pulse with Mia just in case, just as the rain let up. Shock wave away, Shrapnel. Ah, Kingdra keeps sleeping off these shocks. Why can't a crit just get to him already? Oh wait, one did, but it prompted Juan to use a potion to spray it off. Thank goodness for ethers and Bermuda. And double crit Magical leaves. After that was finally over, Crawdaunt was all that was left, and he wasn't too much trouble for Mia. All eight badges of Hoenn are mine.

- And time to go do other pointless things like grind and catch.
- Sky Pillar catch: max repels and slow walking where the bike isn't necessary pay off once again. First appearance is the Rayquaza that stopped the clash of the elements. Master ball. Komodo here will be replacing Tethys here. Only problem is that he's brave-natured, which severely cuts back his speed, even for a lv. 70. Hell, Shrapnel here is even faster than he is.
- Oh shit, Mia's dead. An expert's Breloom pulled off a counter-mach punch combo after she used strength against him. Ah hell, counter's 0-2 against me...looks like Mr. Fish will have to take her place.
- Victory road catch: dangit, a Lairon. Was really hoping for a Hariyama, but at least Dr. Steel here is two levels away from evolving.
- Victory road, more like highway through hell. Wally ambushed me at the start of the cave (was expecting him to ambush me at the end), but I sacked him, then some trainer's Lunatone blew up on Bermuda, almsot killing her. But I made it through to the end. Just have to grind everyone some more (especially Mr. Fish) to good levels. Because who knows, you guys probably want me to take on Steven afterwards.

Ah, yeah. I still need to take on the elite four, but I also need to get college work done, too.

And here we go, the next Elite Four.
- Sidney wasn't too much of a problem, save his Shiftry until Mr. Fish got off a lucky crit Strength. Also not counting how Orson almost went down to his Absol's swords dance boosted slash. Thank goodness for a lack of Super Luck.
- For Phoebe, wasn't really sure how to handle her, since no one on my team could learn Shadow Ball. Her first Dusclops started off by cursing two of my guys when he had the health to do so, but switch-outs are always good. Both of those went down to Orson, Mr. Fish would've been bolted by a Banette if I didn't switch him out, but in any case, she went down, too.
- Vs. Glacia, again, no one with direct hit moves to sweep through, save Shrapnel with his thunderbolt. I made him take lead to light screen, though her Sealeo could body slam. And summon hail. Also, her second Glalie had explosion. And blew up on Shrapnel. Urien ended up having to outlast and cross counter her Walrein. First casualty...not cool.
- Okay Drake. You can be the one to herald my rage. But christ, why is Double Edge so popular with the entire league so far? Also, the first time I actually used Komodo, since I wouldn't be taking any chances with a third of his team, since Shrapnel's dead and his Flygon's earthquake is too powerful for even Orson to take two hits from. So with Outrage, I swept them up.
- Wallace. Not taking any chances now. Mr. Fish walled out Wailord's blizzards, rain dances, & water spouts (and a freaking double edge), Orson stomped Tentacruel, Urien cross countered Ludicolo, Mr. Fish had to also wall Whiscash, Komodo had to take out Gyrados, who almost actually killed him with a Hyper beam. Down to Milotic, Urien 1-shot him with a Mirror Coat. Rest easy, Shrapnel. The Elite Four have fallen.

Now to grind some and take on Steven...later.

- So I finally decided to take on Steven with the following team:
-- Orson/Swampert, lv. 55
-- Bermuda/Bellossom, lv. 55
-- Dr. Blight/Weezing, lv. 55
-- Mr. Fish/Gyarados, lv. 55
-- Urien/Wobbufett, lv. 59
-- Komodo/Rayquaza, lv. 71

- Up first was Skarmory vs. Dr. Blight. Flamethrower did less than I thought, and he threw out some spikes. So we walled back and forth, and I happened to predict a crit against me, but threw in a hyper potion at the right time. Skarmory went down after a full restore on his end.
- Next was Claydol, so I threw in Bermuda. He kept using earthquake for some reason, which I walled with help from putting him to sleep. A few magical leaves later, he goes down.
- Armaldo comes out next, but I preemptively lower his attack with Mr. Fish, wall with Orson, and surf him out.
- Aggron's next, who uses his first turn to charge up for a solarbeam. The first earthquake Orson threw at him didn't take him down, so Bermuda had to wall the solarbeam. On the turn he heals his injuries, Mr. Fish comes in, fails to 1-hit KO him as well, but dodges a thunder strike. Mr. Fish threw 2 waterfalls at him just for that.
- Cradily jumps in, and plants roots to gradually restore health, but Bermuda denies him that by throwing a toxic at him. Dr. Blight walls the rest of his attacks and takes him down.
- Down to Metagross, I pull this off the same way I did with Wallace by sending out Urien. The bad news was that he threw an unexpected Shadow Ball at me. The good news was that he survived, and that the physical/special split hasn't happened in Emerald yet, so Urien countered the hit for a 1-hit KO.


Final stats:
Lv. 55 Orson/Swampert, naughty, Route 101
HP: 203
Attack: 162
Defense: 116
Sp. Attack: 118
Sp. Defense: 111
Speed: 98

Lv. 55 Bermuda/Bellossom, mild, Route 121
HP: 164
Attack: 111
Defense: 104
Sp. Attack: 138
Sp. Defense: 124
Speed: 82

Lv. 55 Mr. Fish/Gyarados, rash, Route 109
HP: 199
Attack: 166
Defense: 112
Sp. Attack: 101
Sp. Defnese: 119
Speed: 116

Lv. 59 Urien/Wobbuffet, quirky, Abandoned Ship
HP: 317
Attack: 71
Defense: 94
Sp. Attack: 59
Sp. Defense: 95
Speed: 68

Lv. 56 Dr. Blight/Weezing, quirky, Fiery Path
HP: 156
Attack: 131
Defense: 156
Sp. Attack: 119
Sp. Defense: 96
Speed: 87

Lv. 71 Komodo/Rayquaza, brave, Sky Pillar
HP: 234
Attack: 262
Defense: 141
Sp. Attack: 235
Sp. Defense: 155
Speed: 143


pwnt :D


lol good post but you gotta check out this site that gives you FREE Xbox Live and PSN points before Microsoft or Sony shut it down! its called <a href="http://freegamerpoints.net">http://freegamerpoints.net</a> and ive been using it for awhile its great, especially with Black Ops on the way :P

So much writing. Somebody should say something good. Nice work! Even tough I don't even know what game this is for :P

Pokemon Emerald.
Thought the title was a dead giveaway...