on Fire Red version.
For those not familiar with it, basic rules are:
- All pokemon that faint must be released/never used again. No revives. They are dead to you. You can't use them as HM slaves anymore either. So another game over condition is if you get stuck somewhere like Cinnabar Island without anyone who can fly or surf you back home
- Because of this, you must give them names. The bonding is part of the losing
- You can only catch the first pokemon you see in the area. If it gets away or you don't have pokeballs, too bad.
- Flowchart, with additional rules
Playing off the basic rules, being my first try at this.
The Story so Far: (all this was copied from another site I'm posting this on)
- Withdrew the FREE POTION. Why'd they kill off that feature in HG/SS?
- Picked up a Brave Charmander, named it Larsen, because it rhymes with arson. Might be risky on my part, though, knowing Brock and Misty.
- Shat down my rival's chimney, so to speak. Moving on.
- Got the parcel from Viridian, took it to Pallet, time to get catching.
- Route 1: And my first catch is...a serious Pidgey, which almost got knocked out by a crit. Named it Linka, much like that girl from Captain Planet.
- Route 22: Please be a Mankey...yessssss. Named it Paulsen. A hardy Robert Paulsen. Knowing this, he probably won't last long...Let the grindfest begin!
- Went grinding until Paulsen and Linka were at 7. Paulsen has low kick and Linka is a sand-attack troll. Imma take on Piss (rival name) now.
- Yeah, it's hard to hit a guy when he's kicking sand in your face, isn't it Squirtle? Two pocket potions ensured no KIAs. Well played, Linka.
- Route 2: beat it old man, I know how to catch Pokemon, I have two more with me leave me alone. Yeah, anyway, had to stock up on a few antidotes, knowing Weedles out there. 30% happens way too often in these games. So, first catch is a jolly Ratatta. Hey, collection's looking unique already. Named it Ralph, after those old kids books about the motorcycle mouse of the same name. Took him to level 7 while the other two honchos got to 8. To Viridian Forest!
- That forest: figures fate would piss in my corn flakes. Looking for a Pikachu, I get a hardy Weedle instead. Oh well. Nicknamed it Auger, the same name of a kind of drill. Fitting for his final evolution.
- Still in the forest: bulked Auger up to Kakuna form. Ralph was the first to know what poison feels like, but lucky for him, I'm not instigating any laws that involve no bag items, so he was saved. Let's see how bug catcher fights go.
- Wrecked them all with no poison incidents either. Pewter City and Brock abound.
- But before we can get to that, more grinding time. I really want Larsen and Paulsen to live through this. And if not both, then at least one of them. And Linka won't be able to sand-attack spam without a sacrifice.
- Okay, so Mankey now knows Karate Chop. Feeling confident now, so let's do this.
- Geodude was downed with two chops, and I spammed a few tail whips Onix's way with Ralph, then chopped him once. Victory! On to route 3
- Route 3: well hell, the trainers here are getting tough. Had to run back to the center a few times, one on a poison incident.
- Oh hey, Auger reached top-form Beedrill.
- Let's make a catch risk for route 3 now...dammit, KO'd a Jigglypuff with a crit.
- Route 4 (part 1): I know the rest of route 4 is after Mt. Moon, and I'm not up for spending on a Magikarp I can get anywhere there isn't grass, so I'll save the catch risk for that other side. Plus, I'll need something to help take down Piss' eventual Wartortle.
- Mt. Moon: a bold Geodude. That's certainly not going to help me with Misty there...snagged it anyway and nicknamed it Dr. Rockso. Route 4 really better come through for me.
- Team Rocket was easy, but the scientist...not so much. He kept poisoning my guys, forcing me to use an escape rope after the fight.
- Back on route 4, where I accidentally KO'd my catch again. Eugh, my luck must really be turning for the worst now. Guess I should go grinding anyway to take on Piss and Misty.
- Everyone's at level 14. Time to take on Piss again.
- Crapped down his chimney again by spraying sand at Squirtle with Linka, Rockso rocked Pidgeotto, Larsen clawed down Abra, and rocked Ratatta with Rockso again. Gimme the fame checker. Time for Nugget Bridge.
- First 4 were easy, 5 almost killed Auger, the Rocket ass almost had Dr. Rockso.
- Route 24 catch (please be a grass type): tits, a Weedle. Caught it for backup, named it Gimlet, after a hand drill. Then to make fun of me, an Oddish appeared after that.
- Larsen gained a level in arson, by evolving. bisonyes.avi
- Route 25 catch: tits, another bug type. Caterpie. Caught, named Monarch, not after the villan of the Adventure Bros. series
- Got to Bill, kicked out the Rocket Thief, next up is Misty.
- Did I say something about taking on Misty? In a bit, actually.
- Route 5 catch: ah, good. Something resistant to water. A modest Oddish, named Forrester. Punch the keys, for god's sake!
- Put Larsen with the day-care man should things get out of hand. He must live through this campaign.
- Now at 15. Right. NOW we take on Misty.
- Forrester poisoned and whittled down Staryu, and poisoned Starmie while everyone else worked to wall her. Yes. YES. You're the man now, dog!
- However, all is not well. I am sad to report that Ralph was K.I.A. taking on Starmie after a failed felling strike from a Quick Attack.
- Pressing on, took back Larsen, who gained ONE WHOLE LEVEL. Yeah, that day-care man is really what he says he is: that great. Also, Linka evolved. Surge's fall shall avenge Ralph's fall...
- But that's not until I can actually get to the gym. So now I do a bit of errands and such. Bike voucher and old rod, check.
- Vermillion City catch: typical. A Magikarp. A careful one. Not really a helpful nature, but whatever. Named it Gi, that water girl also from Captain Planet.
- Diglett's Cave catch: gee, I wonder. From what I remember, those nuisances are fast, and also come with arena trap. Better keep Linka up front. Yep. A Diglett. At 21, too. Nice. Nicknamed it Dosh, because that was something that was stuck in my head for a while.
Route 11 catch: a naughty-natured Ekans, only without the Intimidate I so desired. Caught it, Commander, because I felt like putting in a GI Joe reference.
- Not much else to tell between that and the cruise ship.
- Took on Piss, finally. Swept his team, though nearly losing Larsen to his Kadabra. Oh, and Forrester evolved after the fight, too.
- Cut my way into the gym, cut through the electrical doors, and cut down Surge's Raichu with two lucky poison powder shots from Forrester (Surge healed off the first one). There aren't enough double teams in the world that could save him from being whittled down.
- Decided to put Auger in the box as backup, in order to bring back Linka.
- Leveled up Gi to top shelf Gyrados form. Then taught it Water Pulse, despite the bad special attack stat.
- Route 9 catch: a Spearow. Hm. Named her Ariel, because it sounds like Aerial. Aren't I clever.
- Paulsen almost went down to a Geodude's magnitude attack. 8, to be specific. Never again. Yeah, looks like Gi should be the one to cover against those rock types.
- Route 10 catch: ooh, a Voltorb. Named it Razorback, named after a minor Spiderman villain. Also similar to TF2's razorback shield, I guess.
- Rock tunnel catch: tried looking in the lower floor in hopes of getting a good one. And nope, it's a nother Geodude. It'll have to do. Named her Adrian, because she was Rocky's wife, remember? Funny me.
- Out training, Forrester took a fatal crit against a generic nerd's Muk. Unforgivable.
- Route 8 catch: a Mewoth. Also, the first time using a great ball. Named it Marie (Antoinette). Ooh, and it has pickup. Neat, unless it's constantly picking up revives. Let's bring her out for a bit.
- Route 7 catch: an Oddish, who deeply reminds me of the Forrester I first met. Caught it and named it Connery, because he was his the main guy in that movie "Finding Forrester".
- Celadon City: no way am I grinding in the slots to get a pokemon. Scyther looks tempting, but I already have Auger. So I just winged it and got Eevee instead. Named him Lyon. Decided to go with turning him into Jolteon. Then taught it Shock wave, because he's not going anywhere for a while without electricity otherwise. Oh, and he replaced Marie because she wasn't picking anything up.
- On to the hideout. Which turned out to be a disaster. Giovanni's Kangaskhan took out Gi AND Paulsen with crit mega punches. I knew I should've brought Dr. Rockso with me. I delivered vengeance upon him with Lyon, and sorrowfully took the Silph Scope.
- Man, now I need another water-type before I get to the surfing part, otherwise it's game over. Took back Rockso and brought Connery now. Had to teach him bullet seed, too, as he had no attack moves when I caught him.
- If there's anything positive to be said at this point, it's that Dr. Rockso evolved.
- Decided to head to the tower in Lavender. Beat him again. Also, why is it that the Gastlys that possess the channelers are all female as well?
- Pokemon Tower catch: figures. A Gastly. Named it Duran, after that ghost guy who works on his own accord in the Starcraft series.
- My first taste of the self-destruct sequence was bitterly experienced when a generic rocket Koffing blew up on Linka. All the way from Route 1. All for this. And she was going to be an asset against Erika, too. Guess Ariel will have to do.
- Leveled her up past Fearow stage. Time to take on Erika.
- Auger bested Victribell with crit-boosted Twinneedles, Ariel flight-rushed Tangela, and it took Larsen and Auger to help bring down Vileplume.
- Route 16 catch: decided to go for that Snorlax blocking the way to the bike road. Slightly annoying by the way he constantly slept off the attacks thrown at him. But caught him, named him Jared, after the Subway spokesperson. Lol. Also, he has immunity, which will be good against Koga. So it looks like I can dispose of that one on route 12.
- Speaking of route 12, since I wasn't going to catch another Snorlax, figured I'd go fishing again. With the old rod again. Another Magikarp, who almost slipped through the grip of the few great balls I had left. Named him Piers, because water-based puns are funny. Also, I'm reminded of the guy of the same name from Golden Sun. In any case, it's the day care for him, too.
- Finally picked up the super rod. I'll probably head back to Pallet to fish up something.
- Route 13 catch: another repeat, a rather high-leveled Pidgey. Not the same as old Linka, but ok. Named her Wendy.
- Winged it to Fuchsia City, just so I can fly back when I need to.
- Safari zone catch: before I even got in, I knew I was going to hate this catch process the most. So many to choose from, no chance of weakening it, and having it actually run away from me...eugh. Here we go...
- Let's see...might as well try a deeper area...aihdfuadufghl a Paras that got away from me. That blows it. Time to find that guy's teeth. Oh, and then a Kangaskhan showed up right after to laugh at me. Two for that matter.
- Route 15 catch: ooh, a Venonat. Nabbed, named him Friedrich, because I wanted to make a reference to his eyes with that philosopher ("If you gaze long enough into the abyss, it gazes back into you")
- Route 14 catch: holy tits, a Ditto. Time to work the ultra balls I got back in Fuchsia. Had to put him to sleep in order to hold him, but ok. Named it Gogo, after the mimic from Final Fantasy
- Fuchsia City catch: fishing with the super rod in that guy's backyard pond. Whoops, hooked a Gyrados. Hell, he knows thrash, too. Snagged it, despite still having Piers in the daycare. Named her Diamond, after one of those American Gladiator athletes. Will she go where Gi couldn't?
- Out to train Friedrich in place of Auger, seeing that he knows confusion, which will help against Koga and his cronies. Maybe I should stop by Mr. Psychic's house to teach him psychic while I'm at it...and I did.
- Friedrich evolved into Venemoth. Part poison with a psychic move, foresight to stop minimizers, and stun spore. Yes please.
- Viridian City catch (because I can): had to fish in that tiny pond. What if I used the good rod this time? Okay, a docile Poliwag. At least she evolves into something of the fighting type eventually. Snagged and named Syrene, because it's close enough to Siren. A siren that beats up anyone with her fists of steel (eventually). But for now, daycare.
- Hm, haven't taken on the bike trail yet. Though it's going to suck with all those bikers and their Koffings. Who knows if one will blow up in my face or something? I wish I had an exp. share...
- Okay, Connery. No longer going to stick around as Gloom to learn Moonlight, so...Giga Drain replaces Bullet Seed, and leaf stone. Is good. At this point, if anyone, he and/or Lyon must also live to take on Piss' Blastoise.
- Route 17 catch: of all things, a Ratatta. Snagged, named Beverly. See if you can make a connection between Ralph (r.i.p. Ralph)
- Clearly I've forgotten about the lot of Cue Balls with the bikers, who use fighting types. Loads of bait for Ariel.
- Route 18 catch: (nothing yet)
- Hm, should probably go clear out Silph Co. before facing Koga. Good training after all.
- So I'm down at Silph Co. leveling up everyone including my new Charizard when Piss shows up and he's all like "Hey punk", and I'm like "Whateva". Snorlax whipped about half his team
- Got the FREE Lapras from the worker guy, named it Charon, after the ferryman of hell. And as a bonus, if it shows up as "met in Silph. Co", I can get one of the two free guys from the fighting dojo. Oh, and sweet, it is.
- Time to fight Giovanni. Things will be different now that I have Dr. Rockso with me. And they were. He flattened Kanga with a 3-turn rollout, then charged into Nidoqueen, finishing her with the last 2 turns of the rollout sequence.
- Got the master ball. Now to just stock up on max repels when I'm going after one of those legendary birds (preferably Articuno). Otherwise, I'd be BREAKING THE RULES.
- Still should get some training in, so let's go rock the dojo. Imma take Hitmonchan. Naming him Tyson for obvious connection reasons.
- Route 18 catch (finally): hmhm, Doduo. Snagged, named Gemini. I know he evolves into a triplet, but Gemini sounds cool anyway. Time to finally take on Koga.
- Koga: first Koffing went down to a few of Rockso's rollouts, Muk was beamed out by Friedrich, the second Koffing almost took down Jared with a selfdestruct (thank goodness for his chunky HP), and Weezing didn't want to go down quietly to Rockso, so Friedrich killed him with three psychics. Soul Badge is mine.
- Friedrich has done well, but if I keep him around, he will surely fall to the psychics of Sabrina. Also, it leaves me with two poison types. Time to train Charon.
- K, leveled him up a bit, but now it's time to take on Sabrina. Jared shouldn't have too much of a problem with his large HP complemented by his good special defense. Also, Jolteon has pin missile. Only downside is that the only one who can learn Light Screen is Razorback (Voltorb), and he's not a main. But here we go:
- Kadabra and Mr. Mime were GUTTER TRASH to Jared, and Venomoth burned to a crisp thanks to Larsen. Alakazam was tough. He almost KO'd Jared, but was put to sleep with a Yawn. Unfortunately, Sabrina used a full heal, which left my options thin. Until Jared scored a crit Strength. Sweet.
- Let's go surfing now, wrecking everybody now, come on a safari with meeeeeeeee. Yeah, time to go out into the ocean. The ocean of the poor and Irish...er...swimmers who can't afford jack.
- Route 19 catch: a Tentacool. Named her Bianca, the female agent from James Bond's Octopussy. Dohoho again.
- Seafoam Islands catch: hey, all those repels and that slow walking paid off. Articuno is my first appearance, and going into the master ball. Money money money money. Deemed him as Cocytus, named after the frozen lake of hell.
- Route 20 catch: bah, another Tentacool. Male this time. Named it Manuel this time, because it's pretty close to Man-o-War.
- Cinnabar Island: ok, I've got a few choices here. Revive the Dome Fossil for a Kabuto, revive the Old Amber for an Aerodactyl, or just go fishing...hm...yeah, I'll take the Kabuto. It helps to have quadruple resistance to the gym leader here, too. Revived him, named him Sun Tzu II, for the obvious Kabuto helmet/samurai connection. Daycare time.
- Pokemon Mansion catch: unfortunately, a lack of variety (a Raticate). Probably should've used one of those repels to get deeper into the mansion. Oh well. Grabbed and named Scabbers, because I'm running out of creativity for these rats.
- Got the secret key, but I should walk around a bit more to level up Sun Tzu II, still in daycare.
- Pallet Town catch: another fishing attempt with the super rod. Neat, a Horsea. Yoinked, named it Rorschach, making a connection to a Horsea's thing with ink blots.
- Route 21 catch: searching in that small grass patch, and I get a Tangela. Caught, named Mario, because I'm a racist bastard for making that connection to how he looks like pasta.
- Deposited Connery, took back Sun Tzu II. Clearly, Connery is no type for Blaine's field. Gave Tzu Rock Tomb so he can get a physical STAB move, and Surf so he has some water STAB as well.
- Oh uh, forgot to go check out the power plant. On my way now.
- Power plant catch: yeah, better not touch any of the items until after I get something like an Electabuzz or Magnemite. Or Pikachu. Crap, another Voltorb. All the more reason to vent my anger at Zapdos, I guess. Named it Alphonse, after the inventor of the electric chair.
- Zapdos: since I'm not catching it, I'm going to get exp. out of it. Put Sun Tzu up front, then switched to Dr. Rockso. I can remember from reading that Nuzlocke comic where it showed that Zapdos didn't have any electrical attacks. Rockso rocked him with a Rollout anyway.
- Man, grinding Sun Tzu up is tough...
- But HOO-wah, he's a Kabutops now. Blaine's going down now. Growlithe and Ponyta went down easy, Rapidash needed some support from Larsen, and 47 Arcanine took Sun Tzu and Jared to smack him around.
- Next up, the first three Sevii Islands.
- So I'm at One Island, letting the two geeks do their thing, not that I care. Let's see what we can catch:
- One Island catch: another fish-up with the super rod, and crap, I accidentally told my Jolteon to use Shock Wave instead of Thunder Wave. Dammit.
- Treasure Beach catch: searching the grassy patch around here, and I get a Tangela. Which I somehow manage to KO with a crit Shock Wave. Dammit Lyon!
- I'll pass through Kindle Road on my way back, so let's go to Two Island. Where there's nothing to catch, with the fast current and all. So:
- Cape Brink catch: grass, fishing, or surfing? Choices...let's surf. It's only a pond, so I shouldn't expect any Tentacool. Hey hey, a Psyduck. Named her Claire, short for Clairvoyance. Being a psychic and all, though not in the game's technical terms.
- Got that creepy lady to teach Larsen Blast Burn. So that makes Two Island officially redundant.
- Three Island, with the gauntlet of biker punks. The leader's Weezing was 6 HP away from blowing up Jared. So as retaliation, I cast an inferno upon his Muk with Larsen.
- Bond Bridge catch: another bloody Pidgey, but eh. Named him Baron, because the Red Baron inspired this one.
- Berry Forest catch: gonna try going for that Hypno that's harassing Lostelle. Max repel go. Success. My first psychic type. Named him Peppers, for his pedophile-like nature. It even says it in the pokedex entry that one has abducted a child after hypnotizing the kid. Seriously.
- Calling it quits (box) for Dr. Rockso, unless something derails my whole other team. He's done me proud. Connery's time to shine once again.
- Kindle Road catch: another dilemma. Grass, surf, or fishing? Grass again, despite having heard a Spearow's cry in the background. Another Meowth, but at least she's ready to evolve. Which reminds me that I need to get back to a mart and restock. Grabbed, named Miley, because I don't know, she's rich at this point in her life already.
- Mt. Ember catch: certainly not going to be Moltres. Let's look inside the cave. Ah, a Machoke. At lv. 40 to boot. Named her Titania, because that's close enough to titan. It's just too bad that all the 1st gen ghosts are all part poison, because Foresight would've really helped me against Agatha otherwise.
- Moltres' time has come. Sun Tzu II has double resistance to fire, resistance to flying with good defense to boot, Moltres has a quad weakness to rock types. No contest.
- Now to face Giovanni for the last time. Charon swept away his Rhyhorns and Nidoqueen. However, I learned from Nidoqueen that all his guys know Earthquake, which makes me hesitant to send out Sun Tzu. Not that it mattered though, because Larsen burned down his last two guys anyway.
- Was forced to take on Piss' pre-league team. Realized the possible horrors of the league when I saw his level 53 Blastoise. Meanwhile in Lv. 42ville, everyone's going to need good training.
- Route 23 catch: searching the grassy field, I get another Ekans with Shed Skin. Named him Conrad, because that's almost a name you can get out of taking letters from Anaconda. Now Victory Road awaits.
- Victory Road catch: an Arbok. Hey, at least it has Intimidate. Caught her, named Violet, because I'm also running out of creativity for these guys.
- Buffed everyone to lv. 45, save Cocytus, who was already at 50. Also, he replaced Charon, both being ice types and all. I still worry about the league, and being forced to pick up where I left off with a completely different team.
- Move-wise, gave Cocytus reflect, mostly for Bruno and Agatha, and Jared Fire Blast, so he can actually hit those damn ghosts. Still regretting not having anyone that can learn light screen. Items, bought 24 of everything they had, save revives. Well, this is it. Heaven or hell, let's rock.
- Lorelei: her Lapras put me through a bit of hell. But thanks to Jared's high resistance, and yawn, she eventually went down to a few shock waves (really should've taught him thunderbolt in place).
- Bruno: Sun Tzu quickly dispatched his Onix's, but that's the least of my problems. Tossed out Cocytus to cast reflect, though it turns out even his Hitmonchan had rock tomb. Cocytus survived with more than half, but those rock attacks are what I was afraid of. Sent out Connery for his demi-resistance to fighting attacks thanks to poison-typing. Machamp is approaching. And he has Bulk Up. However, I lucked out when he missed ALL THREE cross chops when he had the chance.
- Agatha: fronted Cocytus to cast reflect. Thank you, lack of physical/special split. Oh wait, her first Gengar has double team, fuck. And the burn I originally inflicted on it failed to KO it with combined Shock waves, which prompted her to full restore. God, what a ho. Haunter kept putting Jared to sleep, so thank goodness for the Poke Flute. But then that bitch had to use curse combined with mean look. This guy's eating up all my full restores...then Connery fell to her Arbok's sludge bomb. Her last Gengar left me running out of options until I accidentally sprayed smoke in its eyes with Larsen. Sun Tzu surfed him out in the end.
- Lance: fronted Cocytus again to reflect. Dragon Rage actually does a lot. Cocytus beamed away the Dragonairs, Kabutops almost went down to surf out Aerodactyl, and Jared almost cost his own life put a sleeper on Dragonite to buy time for Cocytus to recover should something happen (Dragonite almost hit him with a Hyper Beam). Cocytus almost had him with one ice beam, but Lance shook it off with a sitrus berry & full restore, but the second one was a crit.
- Piss - this is it: fronted Kabutops, who got featherdanced by Pidgeot. Expecting him to use a Full Restore, I switched to Lyon to finish the job, only to see him switch to a Rhydon. Cocytus would've had him if the number generator was on my side, but it wasn't. Rhydon survived with 1 hp left, and killed Cocytus with a Rock Tomb. Shit, I'm already running out of options. Surfed him away, Larsen burned down Exeggutor, here comes Blastoise. Sent out Jared to special wall him. I'm just glad Hydro Pump doesn't go far, because I've been forced to keep recovering Jared after every one. After a bit more walling, I sent out Lyon to zap his dumb ass. Success. Back to Pidgeot, who he restored THIS TIME. KO'd with Sun Tzu anyway. Back to walling with Jared against Alakazam. Put him to sleep, then decided to go sand-spamming with Lyon (yeah, I still have that attack), who would also take the future sight attack and live. But what the hell, even after all those sand attacks, he managed to kill Jared with a crit Psychic. My only hope against this fool now is to spam pin missile. Success. Down to his last man, Arcanine. Lyon sacrificed himself to get a sand-attack off on him. Sun Tzu was going to finish the job if he also didn't take a critical bite. 1v1 now. Larsen flew up several times, Arcanine missed both of his possible Extreme speed attacks, then Larsen FINISHED HIM WITH A BLAST BURN. LAST MAN STANDING, I WIN.
Final recap:
The one:
Larsen, the brave Charizard, lv 47
The company (no order):
Gimlet, the Weedle
Monarch, the Caterpie
Commander & Conrad, the Ekans
Violet, the Arbok
Dosh, the Diglett
Duran, the Gastly
Razorback & Alphonse the Voltorbs
Adrienne, the Geodude
Wendy & Baron, the Pidgeys
Marie & Miley, the Meowths
Beverly, the Ratatta
Scabbers, the Raticate
Gogo, the Ditto
Diamond, the Gyrados
Ariel, the Fearow
Piers, the Magikarp
Auger, the Beedrill
Friedrich, the Venomoth
Tyson, the Hitmonchan
Gemini, the Doduo
Syrene, the Poliwag
Bianca & Manuel, the Tentacools
Charon, the Lapras
Rorschach, the Horsea
Mario, the Tangela
Claire, the Psyduck
Peppers, the Hypno
Titania, the Machoke
The dead:
Ralph, the Ratatta, killed by Misty's Starmie at lv. 16
Forrester, the Gloom, killed by a generic nerd's Muk at lv. 24
Gi, the Gyrados, killed by Giovanni's Kangaskhan at lv. 26
Paulsen, the Mankey, killed by Giovanni's Kangaskhan at lv. 26
Linka, the Pidgeotto, killed by a generic Rocket's Koffing at lv. 26
Connery, the Vileplume, killed by Agatha's Arbok at lv. 45
Cocytus, the Articuno, killed by Piss' Rhydon at lv. 50
Jared, the Snorlax, killed by Piss' Alakazam at lv. 46
Lyon, the Jolteon, killed by Piss' Arcanine at lv. 46
Sun Tzu II, the Kabutops, killed by Piss' Arcanine at lv. 47
Let's try Emerald version now.
You went Fab. HOORAH