and I feel like starting to keep track of who I want to nominate/vote for in the annual BBS awards/ego-fest/circle jerk/'wah I didn't win' thing. Yeah. Blanks obviously indicate that I don't know who to vote for yet.
Funniest user: KillerCRS
Biggest attention whore: Burnzoid
Drama queen: DragonsGrief/Pounce
Never logs off: Gagsy
I miss you:
Best artist: Heinrich
Master creator: KillerCRS
Rookie of the year: MoriChax
Most improved: Achilles2
Biggest spammer: GrandfatherClock
Most overrated: Burnzoid
Most underrated: Aksumka
Worst mod: EyeLovePoozy
Best mod:
Worst poster:
Best poster: Lost-Chances
And might as well give one last goodbye to Halloween.
Edit: No, disregard that. I did.
lol. this could get interesting