Yeah, so I'm back from Michigan after a long week, with plenty to say...
When you think something's going to go wrong
Being my first time flying solo, I was expecting something to go wrong right around the corner. Surprisingly, nothing did. Until it was time to come back to NJ, when there was a fog delay. Thankfully, I got a good flight anyway.
A lovely game called tennis
Yeah, I was mainly there for the tennis and camps. Problem is that two years fucked it over a bit too much. I saw a few familiar faces but I expected to see plenty more.
Navy fireworks are always best
True that. Fireworks that go off by those who fight at sea are always best. Maybe by some chance if wwwyzzerdd was there...oh forget it...
Herdcore christianity
Covenant churches always seem to have those Christians who just won't stop loving God. Of course, I'm atheist though, so if you saw 'em, you'd probably have different opinions.
Lake Michigan
One word: cold. Best you swim there when summer's at its fullest.
Now for some NG stuff...
It would still be an appreciation to contribute links to keep it running.
'Evil Twin' stuff
I promised I would get 'em done much faster but I couldn't when I said I would due to the Michigan trip to begin with, but I'm still doin' 'em so if you still want one, go go go.
: Vacations take a lot out of you, don't they?
tl;dr lol