Yeah, that pretty much describes my room

Age 34, Male


Houston, TX

Joined on 12/13/05

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Hybrid-Of-Souls's News

Posted by Hybrid-Of-Souls - September 8th, 2008

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Basically something I haven't been looking forward to. Meh, I'm sure this'll cheer me up.

Back to school, back to school...

Posted by Hybrid-Of-Souls - August 28th, 2008

Because marching band camp ended a good while ago, and I never bothered to make another post right after...yeah, might as well have a new one now.

Music and pic as always.

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Filler post

Posted by Hybrid-Of-Souls - August 17th, 2008

as of tomorrow, going on until Friday.

Yes, it's going to take a chunk out of my vacation.
No, I'm not going somewhere far away.
Yes, it's at my school.
No, it's not some sort of sleepover there.
Yes, I'll still have time for internets.
No, not as long as usually though.
Yes, I'll still be on AIM
No, I can't tell you when though.

In other news, I've updated my profile pic.

In other, other news

Band Camp

Posted by Hybrid-Of-Souls - July 9th, 2008

is here.
And I swear to god, I'll piss over the next guy who posts that comic with the guy who says it's his birthday, then there's Death in the next panel.

But enough about that. Here's some snazzy music.

/* */
Let's see...I got $25, FF Tactics 2, still trying to get Mario Kart for the Wii, and a new watch.
Fun. Along with my 3K posts.

Oh, and this was my cake.

My Birthday

Posted by Hybrid-Of-Souls - July 2nd, 2008

Bored, so I feel like sharing some of my Mario Kart DS info with you.
Oh, and my birthday's on July 9th for those who care. Anyway...

Name: SoulHybrid
Friend Code: 455413-360881
Favorite character/car: R.O.B./Standard RB
Favorite tracks: N64 Choco Mountain, Rainbow Road, Wario Stadium
Wi-Fi Record: 170+ Wins, 60+ losses
Emblem: something like this: (though I do wish I could show the actual thing)

Mario Kart DS stuff

Posted by Hybrid-Of-Souls - June 11th, 2008

And it seems like it'll be an odd one, seeing what's in store for me

I'll be having a jaw surgery on the 19th to straighten out my teeth, which also includes having to remove my wisdom teeth. The recovery process will be for about a month, I'll be close to immobile for that period of time, and the only foods I'll be able to eat during the early stages of recovery are soft ones. Which sucks, because I'm generally picky, too. Which probably means I'll have to drink almost everything out of a straw.

Also, if I can convince my dad to do so, he might take pictures of my mouth post-surgery so I can show you guys.

It's coming on July 9th. Which sucks in terms that I won't be fully recovered, and that I missed a deposit earlier that would've made me level up right on my birthday. >:( And I still haven't entirely thought of what I might want either.

-Alabama trip
Much later, I'll be taking a trip to Alabama. When I'm feeling better though.

-More surgery stuff
Since it's on the 19th (the next day after I posted this portion), my mom and I prepared for the long road to recovery by getting me a DS, Mario Kart for that (I'll probably get the Wii version on my b-day, but with people in my house I don't want to let know about my NG affililation, no online mode. Sorry guys) and Twilight Princess (beat Ganondorf today though) so I don't get bored fast.

-More MORE surgery stuff
Right after the surgery, feeling of a shitstorm occured, and I could hardly move. My cheeks got all puffed up, which led to my brother thinking I looked like a Who from 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas' (the newer one. Not the cartoon one). Now I'm feeling a bit better, but still a little dizzy and there's still some pain in my puffed cheeks.
No, disregard that. Feeling better, but now I get nosebleeds and my teeth are still hurting a bit.


Summer vacation's here for me

Posted by Hybrid-Of-Souls - May 28th, 2008

Having to study physics while at Six Flags: not fun.
(pic only slightly related)
Oh, and start with page 14 here. That's where my pics are beginning.

Six Flags: fun

Posted by Hybrid-Of-Souls - May 15th, 2008

Still doing the 'Conquer the portal' thing (2 news posts back). Just felt like I wanted to put the embed feature to good use by sharing a new favorite song.

Guns N' Roses: Civil War
Yes, I know it's just a compilation of two different movies that have nothing to really do with the name, but whatever.

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What we have here...is a failure...to postal stamp correctly.
Oh, and Hershey Park is cool.

Actually using the embed feature again

Posted by Hybrid-Of-Souls - March 5th, 2008

Meaning all my blog posts from now on will have pointless (in fact, scratch 'pointless'. All my posts will now have pictures, pointless or not) pictures for some sort of entertainment/purpose/proof.
Also, did you add me?

Following some sort of trend, am I?

Posted by Hybrid-Of-Souls - March 2nd, 2008

I had an old one, but it was on my main computer, which I hardly use now. Plus, it's a public household computer, which anyone can see what you're doing if they're in the room. So now I've installed AIM onto my laptop (MSN was tried, didn't get the full jist of it). So yeah...


Add me if you'd like.

PEOPLE ALREADY ADDED (from profile-browsing):

If you've got an AIM, give me a good reason to add you.
And no MSN craps.